
The title accountant is a protected title. This means that not everyone can call themselves an accountant. In order to become an accountant, you must complete an HBO or WO accountancy education, followed by a subsequent course. If all this is successfully completed, the accountant will be entered in the register and may use his/her title (AA or RA).

To retain the title, accountants must meet a continuing education requirement and are periodically tested on the performance of their work.

Thus, you may rely on an accountant to perform his/her work competently and professionally.


Our firm is an accountancy firm run by two AA accountants (Steven Karskens and Jeroen Lakerveld). Lakarsk focuses on the compilation of financial statements and preparing tax returns. When compiling financial statements, we provide a compilation report in which we describe our involvement with the assignment. This allows parties concerned to attach more value to your financial statements. We do not provide statutory audits, but we do provide other audits, including subsidy audits.


The Royal Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants (NBA) is the statutory organization whose responsibilities include promoting the proper professional practice of its members (registered accountants and accounting consultants).

Because of his or her crucial role in society, the accountant has a legally protected title. The NBA protects both titles that accountants are allowed to use (RA and AA) and promotes good professional practice. It does this by establishing and enforcing clear rules of conduct and professional ethics for all accountants, through testing and continuing education. The professional organization monitors the quality of the accountancy profession and stimulates the development of the profession.

For further information about the NBA see


Lakarsk is affiliated with the Netherlands Organization of Accounting Consultants (Novak). Novak offers SME accountants support both in the field of professional skills and entrepreneurial questions. This cooperation better enables us to continuously comply with all laws and regulations and to organize our processes in the best possible way.